When you're on the hunt for the perfect chew for your dog, the options can be overwhelming. With labels like ‘rawhide’, ‘all-natural’, and ‘rawhide-free’, it’s easy to get confused about what each term means, and which one is best for your pet.
Let’s break down the differences between all-natural chews and rawhide chews so you can choose the right chews.
All-Natural: These chews are typically made from whole, natural ingredients like bones, pig ears, antlers, or various meats (beef, chicken, turkey). They are free of chemicals, preservatives, or artificial additives, which make them a safer option for your pet. Many all-natural chews offer additional nutritional benefits such as vitamins, minerals, or omega fatty acids. For example, pig ears are rich in protein and healthy fats, which can promote skin and coat health, while also providing a satisfying chew for dogs.
Rawhide: Rawhide chews are made from the thick inner layers of animal skins, often processed into various forms like sticks, bones, or twists. According to PetExpertise, these chews are heavily processed and may be treated with chemicals or preservatives to extend their shelf life. While some rawhides are flavored to help be appealing to dogs, they can also contain artificial colors, flavorings, or other additives that may not be ideal for your dog's health. Additionally, the cleaning, soaking, and chemical treatments make rawhides less natural than other alternatives, potentially leading to health risks.
All-Natural: As talked about in the article Rawhide vs. Natural Chews for Dogs all-natural chews are generally much easier on a dog’s digestive system. These chews are typically made from single, minimally processed ingredients, which are easier for your dog to break down and digest. Many natural chews can also be high in fiber or protein, which can aid in digestion and promote healthy gut function. A great example is how bones and antlers often provide a natural source of calcium that contributes to strong teeth and bones, while some meat-based chews help maintain lean muscle mass.
Rawhide: Rawhide chews are often harder for dogs to digest for a couple of key reasons. The animal hide used in rawhides sometimes makes it difficult for your dog’s stomach to process. If the chews are swallowed in large pieces, this can lead to digestive issues, such as constipation or even blockages. Because rawhides go through chemical treatments and heavy processing, they can sometimes irritate a dog’s stomach or cause allergic reactions. If your dog has a sensitive digestive system or tends to swallow large chunks, rawhides may pose a greater risk.
Safety Considerations
All-Natural: As talked about in the article Why It’s Time to Switch, natural chews are generally considered safer because they’re less likely to splinter or cause choking hazards compared to rawhides. The softer, more natural texture of these chews means they break down easier, lowering the risk of sharp fragments causing injury to your dog. Additionally, with fewer chemicals involved, there’s less chance of causing bad reactions or health issues.
Rawhide: One of the concerns with rawhides is the risk of choking or blockages. Since rawhide is a tough, dense material, it can sometimes break into large chunks that are difficult for dogs to swallow, potentially causing a dangerous blockage in their throat or intestines. You should monitor your dog when they’re chewing rawhide, especially if they tend to chew aggressively or swallow large pieces. Lastly, the chemicals used in the processing of rawhides can lead to potential toxicity or allergic reactions over time.
While both all-natural and rawhide chews offer some benefits, all-natural chews are often the safer, healthier choice for your dog. They are easier to digest, free of harmful chemicals, and made from whole ingredients that contribute to overall health. Rawhides, on the other hand, may present digestive and safety concerns. In the end the best choice for your dog will depend on their individual needs, preferences, and any specific health considerations they may have.
-Isabelle w/ Hank & Roy